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Menopause Optimisation Pack

Price incl. VAT (23%) €7.56
In stock
Allowed purchase quantity: from 1 to 3 items
Product Details

Menopause Optimisation Pack

A tailored blister adherence pack specific to optimising Vitamin D. Each of the supplements are laid out Monday - Sunday and placed according to the time of the day that they are required to be administered. All you have to do is pop it out and administer.

Our Menopause Optimisation Pack is dispensed using Avogul and Menomin.

Cost: €40.41

Menopause Optimisation Pack

Menopause Optimisation Pack

Price incl. VAT (23%) €7.56
In stock
Allowed purchase quantity: from 1 to 3 items
Product Details

Menopause Optimisation Pack

A tailored blister adherence pack specific to optimising Vitamin D. Each of the supplements are laid out Monday - Sunday and placed according to the time of the day that they are required to be administered. All you have to do is pop it out and administer.

Our Menopause Optimisation Pack is dispensed using Avogul and Menomin.

Cost: €40.41

Menopause Optimisation Pack
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